Friday, October 25, 2013

Free Rice Assignment Instructions


1) Go to This website is awesome because it helps you to develop your vocabulary while also helping others. How does it do that, you ask? Well, for each vocabulary question you get right, the site donates 10 grains of rice to those in need!

2) Open a Word document. You will first need to put your name and the date. Please add a title. An example could be "Free Rice Assignment #1." Then record this information:

What are 5 new words you learned today and what do they mean?

What level did you get to?

How many grains of rice did you donate today?

3) Save your document with your name and Free Rice Activity. For example, Miss Valerie's assignment would be saved as "Miss Valerie Free Rice Activity"

4) The next time you do a Free Rice assignment, remember to record the date and then answer the three questions.

Here is a picture of what your assignment should look like:

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